news from the future

My 2025 Predictions
Today I’m recording the first of my annual radio chats making predictions for 2025. So it’s time that I review last year’s predictions as well.

Planning for 2025? Talk to a futurist
A lot of you are probably starting to think about 2025 already. And there are lots of ways that I, as a futurist might be able to help, whether that’s in marketing, strategy, or speaking at events.

The perils of wishcasting
There are lots of traps that a futurist can fall into. Whether or not you consider them traps at all really depends what sort of futurist you are.

Good news for the future of health and care?
The future of health and care is often presented in pretty bleak terms. Our ageing population means that there’s a lot to worry about. But there are positive notes as well.

How do we address digital overload?
In preparation for a talk I decided to look at the wider context of our communications landscape. And as part of that, I audited my own digital communications. Here’s what I found.

The New Book of the Future
After four years - or maybe 40 - it’s finally here. See Inside The Future is my collaboration with Usborne, the publishers of the original Book of the Future way back in 1979.
- Future Communication 17
- Future Health 8
- Future Media 10
- Future Technology 10
- Future of Business 10
- Future of Cities 8
- Future of Education 6
- Future of Energy 8
- Future of Finance 18
- Future of Food 4
- Future of Housing 3
- Future of Humanity 22
- Future of Retail 9
- Future of Sport 1
- Future of Transport 8
- Future of Work 8
- Future society 11
- Futurism 20
Archive Note
The archive of posts on this site has been somewhat condensed and edited, not always deliberately. This blog started all the way back in 2006 when working full time as a futurist was still a distant dream, and at one point numbered nearly 700 posts. There have been attempts to reduce replication, trim out some weaker posts, and tell more complete stories, but also some losses through multiple site moves - It has been hosted on Blogger, Wordpress, Medium, and now SquareSpace. The result is that dates and metadata on all the posts may not be accurate and many may be missing their original images.
You can search all of my posts through the search box, or click through some of the relevant categories. Purists can search my more complete archive here.