news from the future

The Age of Quality
Tom Cheesewright Tom Cheesewright

The Age of Quality

Future technology will not be obvious or flashy. It will be invisible, efficient, and ubiquitous. It will be enduring. Tomorrow’s technology might be one pillar of an age of quality.

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If you want the right skills, train people
Tom Cheesewright Tom Cheesewright

If you want the right skills, train people

We’ve stopped investing in people. And until we do, we have no right to complain about skills shortages. Especially while every employee is becoming more valuable.

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The AI Opportunities Action Plan
Tom Cheesewright Tom Cheesewright

The AI Opportunities Action Plan

What does the UK government’s new AI Opportunities Action Plan actually mean

Not unusually, I find myself having to answer this question in a bit more depth than I might otherwise have done, and at short notice.

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The future of trust
Tom Cheesewright Tom Cheesewright

The future of trust

The crisis of trust and the explosion of digital choice create together a perfect storm for cyber attacks through social engineering. The next few years will be challenging and we will need help to keep us safe.

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Archive Note

The archive of posts on this site has been somewhat condensed and edited, not always deliberately. This blog started all the way back in 2006 when working full time as a futurist was still a distant dream, and at one point numbered nearly 700 posts. There have been attempts to reduce replication, trim out some weaker posts, and tell more complete stories, but also some losses through multiple site moves - It has been hosted on Blogger, Wordpress, Medium, and now SquareSpace. The result is that dates and metadata on all the posts may not be accurate and many may be missing their original images.

You can search all of my posts through the search box, or click through some of the relevant categories. Purists can search my more complete archive here.